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"I have found out there ain't no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them." Mark Twain

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Tracking New England's Fall Foliage

If you're thinking of heading into Vermont or any of the other New England states to view fall foliage, there is a cool live map on the Yankee magazine site that will show you exactly where peak color is right now. From what I've heard on the news, the foliage is starting slow but it looks like this could be a great year! Be sure your camera is charged and that you have lots of memory cards with you. And remember too that the colors are most intense early and late in the day. Have fun!


  1. Hi Jeff,

    This is my favorite page from their site:


    It is a bit tricky to pause it where you want it, but it is also cool to watch how it moves across New England.

    Squidoo on the other hand shows you the last two years so you can get some historical perspective.



    P.S. I wish you had a way to "like" these posts. :)

    1. Hi Frank, Yeah, that live feature is kind of cool, but agreed, on my old Mac, at least, like catching a very fast mosquito :) Believe it or not my *only* computer is like 10 years old. Ugggh. I'll try to figure out how to put that "like" feature on here. I have it on the other blog. Of course, you can always click one of the border ads and I make a few pennies :) That I really LIKE. :)
